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Smashbox Primer Pumps – past their primer?

Posted on | August 9, 2008 | Comments Off

Any regular user of Smashbox knows that irritating moment in the life of a Smashbox Primer when all of a sudden, the pump stops working. Advice (from Donna the Smashbox Guru herself :) ) was to bang the bottle down hard on a flat (and hopefully not too delicate) surface, which (one assumes) would then ‘clear the blockage’ and lo and behold the pump would start working again….for a short while….

Eventually I would get fed up with this rigmarole and would use a cotton bud or a slim brush and scoop the product out of the bottle, after first unscrewing the pump lid. Not brilliant, even for a product that I can’t live without.

Well, after months of planning, prototypes, pressing and pumping, Smashbox is now perfectly primed :)


All Just Beauty Direct Primers (except the SPF primer which is still only being made in the original pump) now come in this unique air lock pump, which pumps the product from the top by creating a vacuum at the bottom. It doesn’t therefore have a long tube which goes down to the bottom of the product, as it doesn’t need one.

Any remaining stocks of the ‘old fashioned primer pumps’ will now be found in our sale – so if you want to grab a bargain, now is your chance.


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